Saving Documents

If you lose a document, it is very frustrating. You may have to do your work all over. That is why it is recommended to make backups to different locations. In this class you are required to save your work in two different places: My Documents, your Network Drive (Z:), and an OPTIONAL one other location (a usb drive, or send yourself an e-mail file). You should save often to these places, especially if you don't want to lose the work you do.

If you need to save files in the future for school or work, the filenames and locations may be critical for getting the organization's work done quickly and efficiently and for you getting credit for the work you do. If the project leader has problems finding the documents, everyone may suffer. For this reason and to help me manage grading, I need very specific folders and filenames for each document so I can make sure I'm grading the correct work. You will be marked off 2-5 points on the chapter if you get any of the folders or filenames wrong.

As you start each new application in Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel) come back to this page for instructions on saving.


You first should create a folder for your class. Go to My Computer and Select your Z Drive. If you are taking Intro to Computers, create an Intro to computers folder in your Z drive. Intro to Computers will have the following folders: Office, Web Design, Animations/Games, Programming, 3D Design.

If you are taking Intro to Computers, create an Intro to Computers folder. Then inside that folder you will create folders for each topic you will cover. (Office, Web Design, Animations, Game Design, Programming, 3-D design) Inside the Office folder create a Word and Excel folder. Each folder will contain your assignments.

If you are taking Office 1, create an Office1 folder. Then inside that folder you will create folders for each section of office. (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) Inside each of those folders you will have a folder for each Chapter. Office 2 should have folders for Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Dreamweaver will have folders for each web site. All other class will just have Chapter folders. The file name for each assignment should be the same as the book gives for saving.



Save in 3 places (My Documents, Z: Drive, Flash drive or e-mail)

Save in the first two locations below and OPTIONAL one more.

Z: Drive  
(network). This is the place I will grade documents. You should save all work here first.

My Documents (on your hard drive on your computer). Copy your class folder to Documents. Backup to this folder at the end of the day.

To backup your files:

  1. Exit out of your documents.
  2. Click the folder icon on the bottom of the screen and navigate to your class folder.
  3. Right-click on the folder and choose Copy.
  4. On the left hand side of the window under This PC, click Documents.
  5. Right-click in a blank area to the right or below the file list and choose Paste.
  6. If you have copied files in the past, you will get a message to replace or skip files. Choose to replace the files.
  7. Do this at the end of every class period.


Flash Drive: This also allows you to take your work home and allows for many more and much bigger files.

Email: Send yourself an email with the document as an attachment.