InDesign (Desktop Publishing)

Adobe InDesign is a desktop publishing and page layout designing software application produced by Adobe Inc. It can be used to create works such as posters, flyers, brochures, magazines, newspapers, presentations, books and ebooks. InDesign can also publish content suitable for tablet devices in conjunction with Adobe Digital Publishing Suite. Graphic designers and production artists are the principal users, creating and laying out periodical publications, posters, and print media. Each lesson provides step-by-step instructions for creating a specific project.


Book Files

Create a folder on the Z drive to save your work.

For each chapter in the text, complete the entire chapter and save all files created to their chapter folders.

Complete the review questions for each chapter in a Word document.

There is a personal assignment every deadline. (see below)

Deadline 1- Chapters 1-6 & Personal Assignment

Deadline 2 - Chapters 7-11 & Personal Assignment

Deadline 3 - Chapters 12-15 & Personal Assignment

Personal Assignment Requirements

bullet For each deadline create your own InDesign file using the objectives of the chapters covered for the deadline. Be creative.
bullet Save the Personal Assignments into the last folder of the deadline. For example: PersonalAssignment 1-6 would go into your Chapter 6 folder. An alternative - make a personal assignment folder.