Python Project Final

Select 2 from each section below to complete a total of 8 projects.

All projects should be created in CodeHS. When complete go to More on top right and choose Share. Copy the link into a Google Document with the file name Final Links and number them as below then share the document with my jajags account. For example Basics #2: (link) Lists #3: (link)

Basics - select 2

  1.  Odd Man Out
  2.  Divisible By 10?
  3.  Area of a Triangle
  4.  Divisible By Value
  5.  ERA

Math - select 2

  1.  Sum Less than 100?
  2.  Perimeter of a Rectangle
  3.  Final Velocity
  4.  Shipping Costs
  5.  Money Counter

Lists - select 2

  1.  How many times?
  2.  Countdown
  3.  Average
  4.  Factorial
  5.  Shopping list

Strings - select 2

  1.  S Count
  2.  Add Spaces
  3.  Add Secret Message
  4.  Correct Capitalization
  5.  Reverse String