Alice 2.0 Advanced

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Alice Book Files

Goals and Effort File


For Each Chapter in the textbook:

1. Chapter Notes are required and worth 100 points per deadline. You must create your own chapter notes. A tip, use the "What you should know" section at the end of each chapter.
2. Complete the project, select 5 of the programming projects at the end of each chapter. Save the file as Project#1-1, where 1-1 is the number of the project.
3. One Personal Assignment to be completed by the final deadline. Create your own world in Alice. (see below for requirements)


Deadline 1 - Chapter 1-3
Deadline 2 - Chapters 3-6
Deadline 3 -Chapters 7-9
There will be a quiz over the covered Chapters on each deadline date.
Performance Based Test
Final Exam

Alice Personal Assignment

Now the fun begins... Let your imagination run wild and create your own interactive world!
Your situation is this: A recruiter at KidzWorks - a company that designs interactive computer experiences for toddlers - has heard some good reports about your creative abilities with computers. Her name is Janet and she's keen to see your creative flair in action. Janet's asked you to build a small interactive environment for 3-5 year olds. Here's what Janet's written:

Hi! Thanks for taking up this challenge! I hope it will be a rewarding experience for you too! Basically, we're keen to create small interactive worlds that young kids can play with - similar to the singing penguins that you should have already seen when you were learning Alice, but something of your own! Feel free to be creative, but be careful not to make your project too complicated... You might choose an activity that helps with counting or spelling or another idea of your own!

1. Deciding on your activity
The first decision you'll need make is how your users (remember, they're 3-5 years old!) will interact with your world. Most of our environments simply involve the user clicking on different objects - but don't let that restrict you! The objects can make sounds when clicked on, or change color, or disappear... that's up to you.

2. Designing your world
You'll then need to create your world, importing and arranging the 3D objects that will decorate your world! Note, you can grab lots of pre-designed objects from the Alice Gallery online.

3. Creating your interaction
Once your world is ready you can begin adding interaction through mouse or keyboard events. You can have objects that change or make noises when your users click on them, or you might allow your users to control the movement of an object using the keyboard or mouse.

4. Creating your introduction
It's useful for your users to see what your world is about when it first starts. Design and create a brief animated introduction (10-30secs) for your own world that is played whenever your world first starts. This intro should help your users see how they can interact with your world.

Once your world is finished, you should find that you have:
•           imported objects into your world (10 points)
•           used the methods and properties of different objects within your world (10 points)
•           created your own methods for some objects within your world (10 points)
•           added your own events to your world so that your world reacts to user interaction (10 points)
•           (10 points)

In addition, you should have also
•           used a variable or two in your program to count something (or add functionality in some way!) (10 points)
•           used an IF-statement or two to make decisions in your program (10 points)
•           used a While-loop to repeat a few things in your program! (10 points)

20 points will be given for creativity and style

