Animate Class Notes
Animate offers a fun learning experience because it allows the student to create animations, transformations, creative typography, and internet applications. Students will learn the basics of Animate which include learning the Animate environment, drawing objects, working with symbols and interactivity, creating animations, and creating special effects. Students will prepare and publish movies and complex animations that run seamlessly across desktops, smartphones and tablets.
This course is now in Canvas.
Book Files
For each chapter complete the entire chapter and save all files created to chapter folders in the Z drive.
Answer the review questions in a word document.
There is a personal assignment for each Chapter (see below)
Personal Assignment Requirements
For each chapter create your own Animate file using the objectives of the
chapter. Be creative.
Save the Personal Assignments into the folder for that Chapter. For example: PersonalAssignment1 would go into your Chapter 1 folder.
For Ch 11 Personal Assignment, use what you have learned in the entire course to create a culminating personal assignment showcasing your best work. This personal assignment should be cohesive. Save this to the CH 11 folder. Publish using what you learned in Chapter 11. |