Profile for Technology Literate Students Grades 9-12 (Ages 14-18)

The following experiences with technology and digital resources illustrate examples of learning activities in which students might be expected to engage during Grades 9-12 (Ages 14-18):

1. Design, develop and test a digital learning game to demonstrate knowledge and skills related to curriculum content. (1, 4)

2. Create and publish an online art gallery with examples and commentary that demonstrate an understanding of different historical periods, cultures and countries. (1, 2)

3. Select digital tools or resources to use for a real-world task and justify the selection based on their efficiency and effectiveness. (3)

4. Employ curriculum-specific simulations to practice critical thinking processes. (4, 1).

5. Identify a complex global issue to research, develop a systematic plan of investigation, and present sustainable solutions. (2, 3, 4)

6. Analyze the capabilities and limitations of current and emerging technology resources and assess their potential to address personal, social, lifelong learning, and career needs. (4, 5, 6)

7. Design a web site that meets accessibility requirements. (5)

8. Model legal and ethical behaviors when using information and technology by properly selecting, acquiring, and citing resources. (5)

9. Create media-rich presentations for other students on the appropriate and ethical use of digital tools and resources. (5 ,1)

10. Configure and troubleshoot hardware, software and network systems to optimize their use for learning and productivity. (6)