Sub Plans:

My class website:

B Block, C Block and D block: Intro to Computers, Office 1, Office 2, Dreamweaver, Animate, HTML, InDesign, JaveScript, App Development, Cybersecurity, Java Programming, Pre-Architecture, Python Programming, Python Gaming, Paspberry Pi, C# programming, 3-D Design, Computing Ideas, AP Computer Science Principles, and AP Computer Science

There is a copy of my class rosters in the front of the lower right drawer of my desk inside a red folder. Please put an A if they are absent or a T if they are tardy. For the office, there is an attendance sheet in addition to mine. The rosters should stay at my desk. The list of absences should be turned into the office.

This class is setup as an independent course and the students know what to do for their lessons. Please walk around and see if students are working or if they need help. You won’t be able to answer all questions, but you might be able to help the students troubleshoot by helping them lookup answers online or using the index of their book. Another suggestion is to have the students look at a project that worked on previously and try to use that as an example for the exercises that have less instruction. They may also be able to help one another. Three minutes before the end of class have students save their files and log off of the computers. Please let them know when 3 minutes remains so they have time to complete these tasks. I count productivity minutes as follows:

One student may leave at a time if they sign out on the sheet at the front of the room (on the iPad).  Students should limit their time gone to no more than 5 minutes. A student may only leave the room once in a block. Students do not have to ask to leave the room.

Please note on my rosters if students spend significant periods of time not working. They lose minute points when they are off task.

I have several TA’s as noted on the rosters. I do not have work for them today so they may read, work on homework for other classes or play games/watch videos on a computer.

Logging into the computer: You can login to the computer as substitute with JAsub1234 as the password. Please do not shut down at the end of the day, just log off. I am also still logged into the computer. On Thursdays all computers should be left on overnight so they can receive updates.

Monitoring the Class: If you click the up arrow on the task bar near the clock, then on the small green dotted circle, you can open the LanSchool program. Then click the ViewAll button at the top of the screen. This allows you to see all the student monitors. Once they login their name appears below the monitor. Occasionally you have to Press the F5 Key on the keyboard to refresh the screen. Use this along with moving around the room to monitor the class. To lock down the computer if they need help focusing, click the computer then click Limit Web and/or Limit Apps.

There is a “Report of Substitute Teacher” form to fill out and turn in to the office.
Thanks    ~Jennifer Davis