
Ms. Davis' Whiteboard

Today is
Welcome to Computer Science!

This will count as your white/chalk board bellwork. Check this everyday for assignments, prizes, news, etc. The white board should be completed within the first 10 minutes of class.

You are required to check this Whiteboard every day. Assignments are not optional unless they say they are, all emails must have a subject and your first and last name at the bottom. If you are absent, read the whiteboard for that day and do the assignment, if not optional. If you do not do a required assignment, you get 20 points deducted from your minutes grade.

3/20/17 - Welcome Students. Each day you're required to read the whiteboard page. Here's today's:

Send me an email. Use your preferred email program (gmail, hotmail, yahoo, etc). Tell me a little about yourself in ten complete sentences. Even if you have done this in the past, tell me 10 new things about yourself(be creative but not TMI). My email address is always at the top of the whiteboard page (use the @ sign instead of the word (at)). My email address for class is jdavis @ jacomputers(DOT)org. DO NOT send email for class to jdavis @ jajags. You receive credit each day for doing the whiteboard assignment unless it says it is optional. Optional whiteboards will be extra credit. You always should include a subject for your email and your name at the bottom (this is good e-mail etiquette as well). If I do not give you a specific email subject use: Whiteboard (Date) so today's email subject should be: Whiteboard 3/20/17. Today, I'll give a piece of candy to whoever adds the phrase -- "please may I have candy" to the bottom of the email but you must have all other parts to the email correct to get the candy. I will typically give out candy the next class day. After you do the whiteboard each day, work on your common assignments until they are complete, then you will begin your class assignments. So today, go back to the home page and then after the word Common, click on Assignments (these are due by or before March 22). When you are finished with the common assignments, go on to the assignments for your specific class.


Save - at least 2 places (don't make the mistake of only having one copy that can get corrupted or accidentally deleted)SAVE OFTEN


Z: drive – this is where I’ll grade your work


My Documents


One more place (e-mail to yourself, USB drive/flash drive) THIS IS OPTIONAL

Class and Office Times

Official Office Hours

Every day the lab is open for you to work

Appointments Available at lunch if you need to meet with me

every morning



8:00 - 9:30





9:35 - 11:05




11:50 - 1:20



1:25 - 2:55

Official Office Hours
(If you need other times, make sure you ask in advance so I can try to be here)
