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Describe any other ways that you were able to show that you had learned the material in this class.
#Response DateResponse Text
1.3/20/2008 5:59:00 PMPersonal Assignments on Flash.
2.3/20/2008 5:59:00 PMN/A
3.3/20/2008 6:00:00 PMTests
4.3/20/2008 6:00:00 PMIn the Lab projects.
5.3/20/2008 6:00:00 PMPersonal Assignments
6.3/20/2008 6:51:00 PMBy doing projects in each chapter and personal assignments
7.3/20/2008 6:01:00 PMapply your knowledge
8.3/20/2008 6:02:00 PMthe personal assignments at the end of lessons
9.3/21/2008 8:02:00 PMA Quiz lame
10.3/20/2008 6:04:00 PMi love lamp! lamp lamp lamp!
11.3/20/2008 6:04:00 PMDoing projects and personnel assignments.
12.3/20/2008 6:05:00 PMPersonal Assignments
13.3/20/2008 6:29:00 PMquizzes and tests and projects
14.3/21/2008 2:02:00 PMPersonal Projects.
15.3/21/2008 2:02:00 PMassignments
16.3/21/2008 2:02:00 PMOn the tests you show it.
17.3/21/2008 2:02:00 PMWith a personal assignment.
18.3/21/2008 8:00:00 PMpersonal projects.
19.3/21/2008 2:04:00 PMapply ur knowledge
20.3/21/2008 7:50:00 PMnone
21.3/21/2008 7:57:00 PMpersonal assignments
22.3/21/2008 3:37:00 PMPersonal Projects
23.3/21/2008 7:56:00 PMpersonal assignments, skills demo
24.3/21/2008 8:05:00 PMPersonal Assignments
25.3/21/2008 7:47:00 PMA working game
26.3/21/2008 3:45:00 PMindividual projects