Unit |
Description |
1. What is Cybersecurity?: Students are introduced to cybersecurity. They learn why cybersecurity is important, recent threats to cybersecurity, and different careers in the field. |
2. Digital Citizenship and Cyber Hygiene: Students learn Internet etiquette and how to keep themselves safe on the world wide web. Students gain an awareness of the potential effects of their digital footprint, how to protect their information from online risks, and the implications of cyberbullying. Students will also learn how to find and cite quality resources online. |
3. Project PSA: Use what you learned in Digital Citizenship and Cyber Hygiene to create a PSA. |
4. The ABCs of Cryptography: Students learn about the history of cryptography systems, the motivation behind using encryption systems, and basic cryptography systems. Students learn how to use cryptography, cryptology, and cryptanalysis to decode a message without the use of a key. |
5. Cypher Newscast: Investigate a Classic Cypher and present the information in a pre-recorded video. |
6. Software Security: Students learn what happens when you run a program and how to look inside web apps using developer tools, source code, and more. Students will learn about common attacks and recommend solutions for flawed security systems. |
7. Networking Fundamentals: Students learn how the Internet connects computers all over the world. They learn about basic networking protocols, practical networking, and how networks are secured. Students learn about network hacking and the ethics and legality of hacking. |
8. Project: Secure the company's network: Can you use your networking testing skills by setting up company firewall rules and by reading through some logs? |
11: Cryptocurrency: Students learn about Cryptocurrency and blockchain. This unit also includes an introduction to hashing and blockchain. |
9. Final Course Project: Cybersecurity Career presentation |
10. Posttest - this is a practice test. Your final exam will be in class on final day. |