The previously announced character transfers to the new realms
Norgannon and Thrall have been rescheduled to now begin on Monday,
April 17th at 3:00 AM PDT and will end on Thursday, April 20th at 3:00
PM PDT. If you're planning to take advantage of these transfers we
highly recommend doing so at the first available opportunity.
New Realm: Norgannon - Deadline: Thursday, April 20th at 3:00 PM PST
with characters on the following two realms will have an opportunity to
transfer to Norgannon, a new PvE realm. If you're interested in
transferring your characters from these realms to Norgannon, please click here.
Shadowsong | –> | Norgannon |
Azjol-Nerub | –> | Norgannon |
New Realm: Thrall - Thursday, April 20th at 3:00 PM PST
Players with characters on the following two realms will have an
opportunity to transfer their characters to Thrall, a new PvE realm. If
you're interested in transferring your characters from these realms to
Thrall, please click here.
Alleria | –> | Thrall |
Hellscream | –> | Thrall |
During the transfer schedule, standard character creation will not be
available for these two new realms. As always, eligible character
transfers are available Monday thru Friday from 3:00 AM to 3:00 PM PST.
Characters transfers from these realms to the new realms will be
available until Thursday, April 20th at 3:00 PM PST.