Game Flash Final Exam

Car Time Trial Race

1. Car movement is not the most difficult part of a racing game, but if you want to simulate realistic (almost realistic) movement you have to take in consideration some of the aspects described below.

2. Download and open car_race_start.fla

3. Click on the first frame (the only frame) of the "defs" layer and press F9 to display the Actions Window for this frame. Enter the following code on the defs layer:



1.  car1.code = "player";

2.  //this variable will decide if the specified car is controlled by a human player or by the computer

3.  acceleration = 0.4;

4.  //the acceleration variable will add to the speed variable on every enterFrame event (in this case 24 times per second); a higher value translates in a faster acceleration of the car

5.  speedDecay = 0.96;

6.  //when the car is not accelerated (the UP Key is released), the car will have to slow down smoothly; the speed will multiply with this value (less than 1); the lower this value is, the faster the car will slow down

7.  rotationStep = 10;

8.  //this is the number of degrees that will increase or decrease the car's rotation (angle) when the left or right keys are pressed

9.  maxSpeed = 10;

10.//this is the speed limit on our track; increase it if you want the car to go faster

11.backSpeed = 1;

12.//this is the speed limit when going backwards


4. OK! Now let's  see what we can do with these variables.

Click on the first frame of the second layer ("actions") and if the Actions windows is not open, press F9 to display it.

We will discuss this script in a few moments, but first let's see how Flash "understands" movement and coordinates.

Just a bit of trigonometry and Flash

Flash is using the classic Cartesian Coordinate System (a grid based system with a horizontal axis OX and a vertical axis OY).


You notice in the attached picture that in Flash the Y axis is inverted meaning that the negative side of the Y axis is positioned higher than the positive side. So the lower a coordinate is, the higher it's value will be.

Because Flash understand only horizontal and vertical vectors we will have to calculate the horizontal and the vertical components of the actual "speed".

So, from trigonometry we know (in this case) that:

sin(angle) = speedx/speed and

cos(angle) = speedy/speed

so... we know the angle (angle=car._rotation) and we know the speed. That's all we need know. Is it? No. You need to know one more thing:

The Math class implemented in Macromedia Flash does not work with angles measured in degrees. Instead we will have to provide angles measured in radians (an alternative unit measurement for angles).

The only case in which you will use degrees is when actually rotating the movieclips.

Using the simple equation below you will be able to transform degrees into radians:

angle_radians = angle_degrees * (PI/180)

Now we can easily calculate the X and Y components of the car's speed:

speedx = Math.sin(_rotation*(Math.PI/180))*speed;
speedy = Math.cos(_rotation*(Math.PI/180))*speed*-1;

Well, you already figured out why the sign of the Y component has to be inverted ;)

And now let's get back to Flash and our Actions Window. Next I will explain what the "step" function is all about. The "step" function will be executed on every enterFrame event (on the "stepper" layer you will find an empty movieclip the executes the onClipEvent (enterFrame) routine). Enter the following code on the actions layer:


1.  function step(who) {

2.      //check to see if the car in question is controlled by the player or by the computer

3.      if (_root["car"+who].code == "player") {

4.          //we will constantly decrease speed by multiplying it with a number below 1, but only if speed if higher than 0.3; a lower value will only consume resources and movement will not even be noticed so we will set the speed variable to 0

5.          if (this["speed"+who]>0.3) {

6.              this["speed"+who] *= _root.speedDecay;

7.          } else {

8.              this["speed"+who] = 0;

9.          }

10.        //the car will react to certain key presses that we will capture using the Key.isDown method as follows

11.        //accelerate - we add a certain value to the speed variable if the UP key is pressed and the speed is lower than it's maximum alowed value

12.        if (Key.isDown(Key.UP) && this["speed"+who]<_root.maxSpeed) {

13.            this["speed"+who] += _root.acceleration;

14.        }

15.        //brake (reverse) - same thing, but here we subtract

16.        if (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) {

17.            this["speed"+who] -= _root.backSpeed;

18.        }

19.        //steer left - well, we could simply add or subtract a fixed angle (in degrees) to/from the car's rotation, but that's not good enough. In order to simulate a natural movement, steering must depend on speed, otherwise you will be able to rotate your car even if it's almost stopped and it will look like a propeller :)

20.        if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT) && this["speed"+who]>0.3) {

21.            _root["car"+who]._rotation -= _root.rotationStep*(this["speed"+who]/_root.maxSpeed);

22.        }

23.        //steer right - you already know what happens here

24.        if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT) && this["speed"+who]>0.3) {

25.            _root["car"+who]._rotation += _root.rotationStep*(this["speed"+who]/_root.maxSpeed);

26.        }

27.        this["rotation"+who] = _root["car"+who]._rotation;

28.        //we calculate the two components of speed (X axis and Y axis) - we have already discussed this part of the function above

29.        this["speedx"+who] = Math.sin(this["rotation"+who]*(Math.PI/180))*this["speed"+who];

30.        this["speedy"+who] = Math.cos(this["rotation"+who]*(Math.PI/180))*this["speed"+who]*-1;

31.        //apply the components on the actual position of the car - we add the X component of the speed to the X coordinate of the car and the Y component of the speed to the Y coordinate

32.        _root["car"+who]._x += this["speedx"+who];

33.        _root["car"+who]._y += this["speedy"+who];

34.        //position the shadow of the car - when the car steers, we want the shadow to keep it X and Y coordinates and always stay on one side of the car (whatever side that would be)

35.        _root["shadow"+who]._x = _root["car"+who]._x-4;

36.        _root["shadow"+who]._y = _root["car"+who]._y+2;

37.        _root["shadow"+who]._rotation = _root["car"+who]._rotation;

38.    }

39.    if (_root["car"+who].code == "computer") {

40.    }


That's it! We already have a moving car. Now we can move on to collisions.


1. We all know why collisions are important in a Racing Game... Because we don't want the car to leave the track, because we want to force the player to use a specific way, because we want him/her to avoid collisions in order to get the best time (or win the race).

Collisions are a very important part of a racing game and 70% of the game feeling and success depends on good collisions.

We don't want the car to get stuck in the non accessible areas (NAA), we don't want it to lose all speed although it hardly touches those areas and we definitely don't want it to bounce back (by reversing the speed).

In other words we don't want to give the player a hard time, but on the contrary, an enjoyable game. So when the car touches the NAA we must try to correct it's trajectory and of course apply a speed penalty depending on the angle of collision and collision duration.

Using four points to detect collisions

As you can see in the attached picture, we will pick four points, one on every side of the car and check to see if any of them "touches" the NAA.


For example if the Left Side Point is inside the NAA (hits the NAA) then we will have to apply a speed penalty and increase the angle (_rotation) of the car. Why do we do that? Because of what we discussed earlier: we must try to correct the car's trajectory. So what we do here is force the car to steer right.

OK, I hope everything is clear up to this point. And since we are speaking of points, let's see how we calculate their coordinates. To simplify things we will take the Left Side Point as an example.

When the car's rotation is 0 our job is very simple: the LSP coordinates are x=car._x-20 (20 pixels to the left of the car's center point) and y=car._y

But the car will not always have an angle of 0. Well, here comes the tricky part. There are a few ways to calculate the four points even if the angle is not 0 (for example you can use the sine and the cosine functions) and for this tutorial I chose the simple way (I don't know if it's the optimum way, but it's very simple):

We define the Left Side Point as if the car's rotation was 0:

car.pointLeft = {x:-20, y:0}; //this is an Object

and then we transform the point's coordinated from local (related to the car's clip) to global (related to the _root clip where we will test the collisions):


Now we have our Left Side Point coordinates that we can use to check the collision:

car.pointLeft.x and car.pointLeft.y

Can it get any simpler? :)

2. And again back to our Actions Window. Click on the first frame of the "actions" layer and if the Actions Window is not open press F9 to display it.

Because we must modify the way the car moves remove the code you entered before and enter the code listed below:


function step(who) {
//check to see if the car in question is controlled by the player or by the computer
if (_root["car"+who].code == "player") {
//we will constantly decrease speed by multiplying it with a number below 1
if (this["speed"+who]>0.3) {
this["speed"+who] *= _root.speedDecay;
} else {
this["speed"+who] = 0;
//the car will react to certain keys
if (Key.isDown(Key.UP) && this["speed"+who]<_root.maxSpeed) {
this["speed"+who] += _root.acceleration;
//brake (reverse)
if (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) {
this["speed"+who] -= _root.backSpeed;
//steer left
if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT) && Math.abs(this["speed"+who])>0.3) {
_root["car"+who]._rotation -= _root.rotationStep*(this["speed"+who]/_root.maxSpeed);
//steer right
if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT) && Math.abs(this["speed"+who])>0.3) {
_root["car"+who]._rotation += _root.rotationStep*(this["speed"+who]/_root.maxSpeed);
this["rotation"+who] = _root["car"+who]._rotation;
//we calculate the two components of speed (X axis and Y axis)
this["speedx"+who] = Math.sin(this["rotation"+who]*(Math.PI/180))*this["speed"+who];
this["speedy"+who] = Math.cos(this["rotation"+who]*(Math.PI/180))*this["speed"+who]*-1;
//apply the components on the actual position of the car
_root["car"+who]._x += this["speedx"+who];
_root["car"+who]._y += this["speedy"+who];
//the collisions
//define the four collision points
_root["car"+who].pointLeft = {x:-20, y:0};
_root["car"+who].pointRight = {x:20, y:0};
_root["car"+who].pointFront = {x:0, y:-25};
_root["car"+who].pointBack = {x:0, y:25};
//let's use some shorter variable names :)
this["lpx"+who] = _root["car"+who].pointLeft.x;
this["lpy"+who] = _root["car"+who].pointLeft.y;
this["rpx"+who] = _root["car"+who].pointRight.x;
this["rpy"+who] = _root["car"+who].pointRight.y;
this["fpx"+who] = _root["car"+who].pointFront.x;
this["fpy"+who] = _root["car"+who].pointFront.y;
this["bpx"+who] = _root["car"+who].pointBack.x;
this["bpy"+who] = _root["car"+who].pointBack.y;
//check for collisions
if (_root.terrain.hitTest(this["lpx"+who], this["lpy"+who], true)) {
_root["car"+who]._rotation += 5;
this["speed"+who] *= 0.85;
if (_root.terrain.hitTest(this["rpx"+who], this["rpy"+who], true)) {
_root["car"+who]._rotation -= 5;
this["speed"+who] *= 0.85;
if (_root.terrain.hitTest(this["fpx"+who], this["fpy"+who], true)) {
this["speed"+who] = -1;
if (_root.terrain.hitTest(this["bpx"+who], this["bpy"+who], true)) {
this["speed"+who] = 1;
//position the shadow of the car
_root["shadow"+who]._x = _root["car"+who]._x-4;
_root["shadow"+who]._y = _root["car"+who]._y+2;
_root["shadow"+who]._rotation = _root["car"+who]._rotation;
if (_root["car"+who].hitTest(_root["checkpoint"+_root["currentCheckpoint"+who]])) {
//if the current checkpoint is the start line - increase the lap number
if (_root["currentCheckpoint"+who] == 1) {
if (_root["currentLap"+who] != 0) {
if (_root["currentLap"+who] == _root.totalLaps){
_root.currentLapTXT = _root["currentLap"+who]+"/10";
//if the current checkpoint is the last checkpoint - set the next checkpoint to the start line
if (_root["currentCheckpoint"+who]>_root.checkpoints) {
_root["currentCheckpoint"+who] = 1;
if (_root["car"+who].code == "computer") {


3. Add a layer for the ground and give it an instance name of terrain.

Add a layer for the stepper and place the stepper from the library to the stage on the layer . Give the stepper an instance name of stepper. Add the following code to the stepper:

speed1 = 0;

Hard? Not so hard :)

Where are we running?

1. Up to now we have a 100% functional game engine but no game. We don't have a goal. So we'll have to add one and because this tutorial is about a time trial racing game we will add laps and timers.

2. Add two lkeyframes on every layer and create a layer for labels with the labels "readyset", "go" and "finish". In the first frame a movie clip will play saying "ready, set, go". When "go" is displayed _root will move to the frame labeled "go" where the car can move.

Create a new layer for the messages. In frames 1 and 2 the Ready , Set, go message will display. Place the movie clip readySet on the stage.

Why the car will not move in the first frame? Well, that's because the "stepper" movieClip only exists in the second frame, so that's where the "step" function will be executed.

On the second frame of the "actions" layer you will also find two new variables. Those variables will be used to store the exact time when the race started (initialTime|) and the exact time when the current lap started (lapTime).

On the stepper layer clear frames 1 and 3. The code below should be on the stepper on frame 2. Delete the existing code and replace with the code below:

1.    onClipEvent(load){

2.    speed1 = 0;

3.    }

4.    onClipEvent(enterFrame){

5.    _root.setTimes();

6.    _root.step(1);

7.    }


Add the following to the defs layer frame 2:

initialTime = getTimer();
lapTime = initialTime;


Add a stop to frame 3 of the defs layer.



delete the existing code in layer 1 and replace with the following:

car1.code = "player";

totalLaps = 10;
acceleration = 0.4;
speedDecay = 0.96;
rotationStep = 10;
maxSpeed = 10;
backSpeed = 1;
currentCheckpoint1 = 1;
currentLap1 = 0;
checkpoints = 2;

currentLapTXT = "1/10";



When the game is over, after the player finishes ten laps, _root will move to the "finish" frame where an information movieClip will be displayed. Place the finishAnimation on the stage in Frame 3 of the messages layer so it will move from the right off the stage to the center of the stage. A hint: make sure the clip’s registration point is in the center of the stage.

3. OK! What we need to do next is determine whether the player has finished a lap or not, so we will add two movieClip (a red line on the right side: instance name: checkpoint1) and check if the car "touched" this movieClip, and if it did, than you know that a lap is finished... hmm... not really :)

First of all the car will "touch" this movieClip for more than one frame. Maybe for two, maybe for ten, maybe for one hundred frames, you cannot determine this number because it depends on the car's speed. And instead of increasing the number of laps with one, you will increase it with two, ten or one hundred laps, so the race will be ready quite fast.

The second problem, assuming that you solved the first one is that one player will go past the finish line (the red line on the right instance name: checkpoint1) and then return immediately to the same line and "touch" it again, increasing the number of laps even though the lap is not completed. This problem can be solved in a few ways but we will choose the solution that fixes both our problems: we will add a checkpoint (a red line to the left: instance name: checkpoint2). This checkpoint will be placed somewhere around the middle of the race so that the player will lose more time returning to the finish line than he will lose by completing the lap. Of course if you want a more secured race you will add more than one checkpoint.

4. Open the actions window for the first frame of the "actions" layer. We have to new functions both related to timing the race - setTimes (calculates and sets the total race time) and setBestLap (calculates and sets the best lap time). We'll take them one at a time and see what they do.

First delete the following from the end of your code:

1.                }

2.                if (_root["car"+who].code == "computer") {

3.                }

4.    }

Then add the following


1.  //checkpoints

2.  if (_root["car"+who].hitTest(_root["checkpoint"+_root["currentCheckpoint"+who]])) {

3.  //if the current checkpoint is the start line - increase the lap number

4.  if (_root["currentCheckpoint"+who] == 1) {

5.  if (_root["currentLap"+who] != 0) {

6.  _root.setBestLap();

7.  }

8.  if (_root["currentLap"+who] == _root.totalLaps){

9.  _root.gotoAndStop("finish");




13._root.currentLapTXT = _root["currentLap"+who]+"/10";



16.//if the current checkpoint is the last checkpoint - set the next checkpoint to the start line

17.if (_root["currentCheckpoint"+who]>_root.checkpoints) {

18._root["currentCheckpoint"+who] = 1;




22.if (_root["car"+who].code == "computer") {



Now add the following


1.  function setTimes() {

2.      //we calculate the time elapsed from the moment the race started in millisecond

3.      timeElapsed = getTimer()-_root.initialTime;

4.      //we calculate the minutes, seconds and tens of seconds and set them to their respective variables

5.      milliseconds = timeElapsed;

6.      seconds = Math.floor(milliseconds/1000);

7.      minutes = Math.floor(seconds/60);

8.      minutesTXT = minutes;

9.      secondsTXT = seconds-minutes*60;

10.    tensTXT = Math.round((milliseconds-seconds*1000)/10);

11.    //if the minutes, seconds or the tens of seconds number has only one character we add a "0" before it - that's just because we want the time to look good ;)

12.    if (minutesTXT<10) {

13.        minutesTXT = "0"+minutesTXT;

14.    }

15.    if (secondsTXT<10) {

16.        secondsTXT = "0"+secondsTXT;

17.    }

18.    if (tensTXT<10) {

19.        tensTXT = "0"+tensTXT;

20.    }

21.    //we put all three variables in one that will be used in the timers tables

22.    _root.totalTimeTXT = minutesTXT+"."+secondsTXT+"."+tensTXT;


24.//and the second function

25.function setBestLap() {

26.    //this function does the exact same thing as the first one, only here we will use the time elapsed from the last time the car has passed the finish line

27.    bestTime = getTimer()-_root.lapTime;

28.    milliseconds = bestTime;

29.    //we don't calculate the lap time if the car passes the finish/start line for the first time

30.    if (oldMilliseconds>milliseconds || oldMilliseconds == null) {

31.        oldMilliseconds = milliseconds;

32.        seconds = Math.floor(milliseconds/1000);

33.        minutes = Math.floor(seconds/60);

34.        minutesTXT = minutes;

35.        secondsTXT = seconds-minutes*60;

36.        tensTXT = Math.round((milliseconds-seconds*1000)/10);

37.        if (minutesTXT<10) {

38.            minutesTXT = "0"+minutesTXT;

39.        }

40.        if (secondsTXT<10) {

41.            secondsTXT = "0"+secondsTXT;

42.        }

43.        if (tensTXT<10) {

44.            tensTXT = "0"+tensTXT;

45.        }

46.        _root.bestLapTXT = minutesTXT+"."+secondsTXT+"."+tensTXT;

47.    }

48.    //we set the initial time to the moment the car passed the finish line

49.    _root.lapTime = getTimer();



To Play again, add code to the Play again button. First open the finish movie clip, then click on the Play again button to select it. Add the code:


on (release){

5. That's it :) Now let's move on to the final graphic touches and see our completed game.


Finishing the game

1. The final graphic touches... Well, there's nothing to explain here. You can express yourself in any way and create graphics after your own taste. You can recreate the car and make your own backgrounds.

Just remember to set the alpha of the green ground movie clip and the red checkpoint movie clips to 0.


For Example:

A Student example: