Web Development
This class will be delivered in CodeHS.
Go to CodeHS.com and enter the Join Section code: CA140
The Web Development Course is intended to teach students the fundamentals of web development in a project-based learning environment. Students will be taught the basic elements of web development, such as web hosting, file organization, and incorporating Javascript into HTML files. Over the course of the class, students will collaboratively and independently design, develop and implement functional and responsive web pages using these foundational skills. This course is the third course in the Web Development pathway. It is designed ideally for students who have an introductory knowledge of HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
There are 9 Units in this quarter class:
- Unit 1: Introduction to JavaScript in HTML - Students learn about the script tag, and how it can be used to write JavaScript code in their HTML files. Students are also introduced to useful JavaScript methods that can be used to alter the state of the CSS and HTML of a webpage, as well as how the Document Object Model supports the ability to make such changes.
- Unit 2: Using JavaScript Libraries - Students are introduced to jQuery, a JavaScript library that makes webpage interaction easier. Students will learn the basic syntax of jQuery, how to incorporate it in their webpages, and useful methods that help animate and change the responsiveness of their websites.
- Unit 3: Project: Build an Interactive Resume - Students will create a single page, interactive resume. Students will be expected to add several animations using jQuery to prove their ability to modify HTML and CSS. This unit also examines web design theories that can help students improve the aesthetics of their resumes, and to evaluate the quality of a website based on its layout.
- Unit 4: Storing and Collecting Data - This unit will explore the role that data plays in creating websites. Students will learn about the various ways that data is taken from web pages, as well as ways to secure themselves from unwanted data collection. Students will also learn how to incorporate data collection into their own websites, and collect simple information from users.
- Unit 5: Project: Collecting Data - Students will create a multi-file webpage that tracks the number of clicks that items of content on the site receive, allowing the web owner to make decisions about which content should be kept, and which should be changed out the next time that they update their site. Students will test out one another's webpages, and write a written response highlighting the content that they will change on the next iteration and why.
- Unit 6: How to Build and Maintain a Website - While students can run functional and responsive websites on CodeHS, this unit explores how students can create and run websites without the help of CodeHS. This unit will explore how to store web files, secure a domain name, and maintain a website. The majority of the lessons will be explanatory - students will not be expected to host and maintain a webpage off CodeHS, but will be given the tools needed to do so if they desire.
- Unit 7: Final Project - Students will be tasked with creating a website of their own choosing. The website will have to follow specific criteria - certain number of pages, responsiveness, and use of APIs. Students will go through a feedback process, and learn about making their websites more accessible to a wide array of users.