Office 2 Final - 2005/6 - Quarter 2

Here is the Office 2 Final. Good luck. It has been great having you in class.

This is a timed test. Do as much as you can in the time allotted. You don’t have to do this in order. You will be graded off for talking. I may not warn you, I’ll just count it against your grade.

First create an Office2Final folder on your H: drive and save everything in that folder with the names indicated. All  filenames should be in the correct format. O2-F-Q2Block-LastnameFI-Filename. The F stands for final. If you do not save in the correct place or with the correct name, you run the risk of not getting credit for your work or losing points.

Don’t forget your 3-line header for PowerPoint and Excel documents (you don’t have to do this for Access).