Video Production
Here are the morning announcements titles that you came up with:
SLS Jagline
The Qualified Naxulian-Samastamian News Instigators
The Qualified News Instigators
Jagā no asa no bangumi (The Jaguar Morning Show)
Bro Man Dudes and Chicas with Nick
Jags R Us
JA News
Shut up and Listen
Broffeser X and The Crew
As a group, vote or quietly discuss and select one.
Then select one person to email me and tell me what you chose.
Form groups of 2-3 to start brainstorming for the intro and conclusion project. The intro should be about 30 seconds and the conclusion should be about 30 seconds. At least one (intro or conclusion) should include the names of everyone in the class (just the video class). Work on selecting music (use and write up your ideas and 1 member from each group email me and tell me what you have come up with by the end of the period. Tell me who is in the group, what music you will be using and a short write up of what you will be filming/doing for your project.