End of Class Procedures
Please remain quiet until everyone is done with their test.
Project Final:
(Tuesday and Wednesday)
- Read the following before you begin the test. If you have any questions,
please let me know:
Performance Based Test (Project)
- Create a folder on the Z: drive for your Performance Test files. The Folder should be inside your class folder and called "Final" so if you are in Intro to Computers, go to your Z drive, into your Intro to Computers folder and create a new folder called Final. Save your files as directed on the test directions. You may not use your book (DO NOT OPEN ACROBAT), the Internet unless specified for your final, or another student for help, but you may use any files saved on your computer or the program help screens. You have in class time today, tomorrow, and any time you have left after finishing the written final.
This cannot be done at home or outside of class. Your grade is based on how much you get done in the time given and the quality of your work. If you finish early, you may read, play games, or work on other class work. You must be quiet so everyone has a fair chance. (You should not finish in one class period, if you think you did, you probably did not do enough)
- Now click here to find your test.
Final Exam: (Thursday)
- The final is a traditional final, multiple choice, true/false, fill in the blank. When you come into class, have a seat and login to the computer. You will find the finals posted on Final Day on the whiteboard. Please put your first and last name in the name box, your student number and your email address. You may not use another student for help, the book, or the Internet. This is a timed test. You are given until the end of the period to finish.
When you are finished, submit your test using the button on the bottom. If you finish early, you may finish the Performance Based Tests, play games, do other work, or read. You must be quiet so everyone has a fair chance. This will be posted on Final Day.