Common Assignments

Welcome, I mean really welcome to class. I am a huge proponent of reading, both for learning and for instructions. Your grade will depend on how accurately you follow instructions, both on the assignments below and throughout the course. Please read carefully and follow the instructions so you can get the best grade possible. Because the course is so dependent on your reading ability, if you have problems reading in general or understanding specific instructions, please let me know.

Start up Assignments

Read the following and click on the links as you get to each one. Before you start the files in your book, you will create the following documents for a grade. First there is a summary list and below that is a description and how to do each one. When prompted, click on each link. These are due by Wednesday, March 18.

  1. First Email - and all emails with subject, spelling, grammar, and first and last name (10 points)
  2. Who am I online survey (10 points)
  3. Saving Documents - folder organization (10 points) - you may not need to do this until we are back in school.
  4. Procedures -read (there will be a procedures and syllabus test on March 19)
  5. Download class folders, textbook, backup, and rename folder (10 points) - you may not need to do this until we are back in school.
  6. Syllabus - email (5 points), and parent email (15 points)
  7. Begin Your Class Work

First Email

Purpose: All students are required to have an email account to communicate with me. Email is one of the major communication tools in business and education. 80% of employers say that high school students need to improve their written communications. We'll be working on this skill through your daily emails to me.

This is the procedure you should use for every email to me unless I give you different instructions.

Start your email program. If you don't have an email account, go to www.gmail.com and login with your jajags account.
In the To: box put my email -- jdavis(at)jacomputers.org. Replace (at) with the @ sign.
Type in the Subject line: First Email
In the Message body:
Type a greeting such as Dear Ms. Davis
Then type your answer to this question in complete sentences. Why do you think it is important to have no spelling or grammar errors in your emails to your teacher, someone you work with, or your boss?
At the bottom of the email, type both your first and last name. Salutation is optional.
Professional Emails and Grading (10 total points if no errors): Correct Subject: 1 point
At bottom of your text: First Name: 1 point; Last Name: 1 point.
Capital letters at beginning of sentences and for names. - 1 point each error
Words spelled correctly (check for red wavy underlines) - 1 point each error
Proper grammar - 1 point for each error
For this assignment, you must have a complete sentence with ending punctuation and proper grammar.

Who am I survey

bullet Purpose: I love to know everything I can about my students. So help me out. What motivates you? What are your interests? How can I help you?
bullet Click this link to take the survey. When you finish the survey go back to this page, you may continue the common assignments when you complete the survey.

Saving Documents (depending on which class you take you may not need this until we are back at school)

bullet Purpose: Students will save files with correct information and in the right location so they can receive maximum credit and I can save time when looking for and copying files. If I cannot find your file, you will not receive credit for it. Also, if you save it with the wrong name and in the wrong location, it is possible you'll have to redo your work again because you won't be able to find your assignment when I ask.
bullet Unless I specifically tell you, do NOT print assignments. I will grade them on your Network (Z:) drive, online, or through e-mail. The directions will often say to print, do not do this. Sometimes the directions will say to not save a document, but in all probability you need to. Use my Website as a checklist for what you need to turn in.
bullet Click here to read and review how to create folders and save a file.


bullet Purpose: Students know what is expected of them so they have the best opportunity to learn and earn the grade that fits their work effort. I know where students are at all times as required by law and by the administration and can keep track of the productivity and effort of students.
bullet Click here to read the procedures.

Download Files (depending on which class you take you may not need this until we are back at school)

Purpose: Get the files you'll need for your class as well as the textbook(downloading it will save time).

Go to your class page. If there is a Textbook link, right click on the link and Save Link As... Browse to your Class Folder on the Z drive and save the file.

If there is a Book Files Link, click on the link. When it finishes downloading, you will need to extract the files to your class folder. Open the download and choose Extract all from the folder menu. Browse to your Z drive, Class Folder, then into the Book Files folder. Click OK, then extract.

If there is a Download Program for your class, check to see if your computer has it installed. 3-D and Pre-Architecture may need to be installed. Check your computer first it may already be installed: Press the Window Key and S then type the program name) Downloads are often provided for home use.



bullet Purpose: Students will understand what is expected of them in the class and how grades work.
bullet Click here and read the syllabus. You will have a quiz over this information on Thursday.
bullet Ask Ms. Davis if you have any questions.
bullet Send yourself, your parent, and to syllabus @ jacomputers.org to remind your parent/guardian to send me an email acknowledging they have read the syllabus. Both emails count as credit. Your email subject should be Syllabus reminder. You should have your name at the bottom of the email. Copy the information below into the email you send. Ask your parents to reply all so I get the acknowledgement and you know they did it.

Your parent/guardian should send an email from their account to syllabus @ jacomputers.org.

Start your email with a greeting such as Dear Mom. Explain why you are sending this email. For example, This email is for my computer class syllabus. Please read below and follow the directions. Thanks.

This email should include the following statement:

  • I acknowledge that I have reviewed the course syllabus found online at http://www.jacomputers.org/Technology/Common/2019-20Syllabus.html for the computer course my student, _______________________, is enrolled in fourth quarter 2020. I understand the classroom policies, instructors expectations, and rules as stated in the syllabus for this course. If I have any questions or concerns, I will contact the instructor at jdavis@jajags.com. By typing my name below, I recognize it serves as a digital signature.
  • Please include your student's name in place of the underline.
  • Please reply all so this email is sent to syllabus@jacomputers.org and your student so they know it was done.

If this is late, points are deducted so remind your parent/guardian to complete this before Thursday, March 19.


Begin Your Class work

After you are done with the assignments above, begin the work for your class.

Make sure you read the entire chapter/unit including the introduction, the text, and the pictures. Your objective is not only to create the documents, it is to learn the application. Review your class page for information about assignments. Many classes also have personal assignments, check your class notes page.

It is important to keep referring to your class notes page throughout the class.

Remember at the end of the day to backup your work to the computer hard drive.