Dropped from abomination in front of Baron's tower in Stratholme last night on Khadgar.
Handle is slightly curved and off-white in color. Small metal spikes on top and behind top of handle. Blade is also off-white and is in the shape of an open-mouthed dragon with pale purple eyes.
Confirmed, at least indirectly, that the proc (mistakenly) adds int to the affected mob/opponent rather than decreasing it.
As a pally by ljfgh, Score 0 crappy for a MS warrior by Special K, Score 0 This Axe is COMPLETE AND UTTER TRASH! by _Tamerlane_, Score 0
60 shaman here
I have both arcanite reaper and brain hacker and I have tested them both on one of the warriors in my guild. Reaper killed him MUCH MUCH faster everytime. Brain hacker is one of the crappiest epics in the game for its lvl req.. it is bugged and increases intellect instead of decreasing it... the proc barely EVER goes off... so its like 1% to proc AND on top of that arcanite reaper does more DPS than it when you factor inthe 62 attack power then ALSO reaper has 13 stamina boost as well.
Speed is another issue.. some love fast some love slow.. i prefer slower weapons for the greater burst DPS among other things.
i guess this weapons is SCREAMING for you to put +9 damage enchant on it cause its damage is so low (max - min) and its so fast.
I still think blizzard needs to spruce this item up bigtime... there is absolutely no reason whatsoever why a lvl 55 epic (brainhacker) should be inferior to a lvl 58 blue item (reaper)
im really disappointed in this item.
Whoever payed 900g for this axe is numbnuts staring at "purple". For shaman, arcanite reaper is better, since it hits harder, even tho its slower. When windfury procs, the weapon speed doesn't matter, the dmg does.
I use mallown's slam, 2H mace of 3.80, I've had hits on casters for 1200+ in wf proc. Thats easy 2000 dmg in single proc. Shock him once and hes dead.
money by moonOCD, Score 0 <Blank> by JustAnotherOneRogue, Score 0 Brain hacker vs. Arcanite reaper by Syntaxis, Score 0.0 Got this in scholo the other day by m3_k0rR, Score 0.0 HappyShaman by gnugget5, Score 0 Best Mortal Strike weapon when 1.8 hits by iishrak, Score 0
just so you know, i used arcanite reaper a while before this, and brain hacker BY FAR beats AR, as i said above any weapon sucks if you are not built for it. shaman- 5/5 flurry, 2/2wf + bh
+ a tad agi on armor + goa totem = ownage. but this is also because my build utilizes a faster weapon more.
it sorta sucks by janai, Score 0
this axe rocks for shaman cmon! by janne123, Score 0.0 This weapon is good! by Ilomano, Score 0.0
Windfury is all luck, you can have long strings of small, no proc, worthless hits... having a faster weapons helps mitigate those strings, without lowering DPS. The whole reason warriors want a higher per-hit damage weapon is for instant attacks, and shaman have none.
Not only is a speed amazing, but the proc is half decent, it looks good, and being an axe, Orc shaman get +5 skill when using it.
For the same overal reasons, it's a good paladin weapon as well. Just because a warrior wouldn't want it doesn't make it a peice of junk.
Crappy for warrior? by msftw, Score 0.0
Random drop off a Chimaera in Winterspring. At first I didn't think it was all that amazing an epic, the under 57 dps struck me as weak...but I started to reconsider when I thought about the 1.8 patch concerning speed/damage calculations. 2.10 is quite fast (one-hander territory) but you get the benefit of x 3.3 (I believe)
I have not equipped yet, but can anyone tell me the proc rate of the 200-300 wound? Does it stack?
Seems this weapon is pushing over 60dps all told.
Brain Hacker by Wojin, Score 0.0
- omg by Kalvan5150, Score 0.0
The axe.. by timppa, Score 0.0 +dmg - gets better with speed! by Tafseladden, Score 0.0 Shit by Obneron, Score 0
LOLZ, dude, the slow attack idea doesn't work any more, I guess you have no idea what they're talking about here. The Hacker's regulart attack speed is still 2.1, but when you use something like MS or Raptor Strike, it hits with the same force as a 3.3 speed axe, meaning it gets a HUGE upgrade.
Whereas the Arcanite Reaper, whose regular speed is 3.8, will also hit with the force of 3.3 with MS and anything like it. Meaning that wep speed is no longer a factor, so that means aside from mods, the hacker is wholly better than the AR.
Read posts and patch notes dude.
The mechanics of most instant melee attacks have been modified to improve item balance. Previously, instant melee attacks did damage based on the damage range of the weapon, plus a bonus for the player's attack power. This bonus was then multiplied by the speed of the weapon. As a result, slow weapons did more damage than was intended, and fast weapons were considered inferior by most players. We have changed the way the attack power bonus is calculated for instant attacks. This change does NOT affect attack power calculations for normal melee attacks. Instead of multiplying by the speed of the weapon, the attack power bonus is now multiplied by a fixed number pulled from the following table:
o Two-handed weapons: 3.3
o Daggers: 1.7
o All other one-handed weapons: 2.4
As a direct result of this, many weapons have shifted position in their relative power. In particular, many Epic (purple) quality items are now more powerful than slower Superior (blue) weapons.
This change was not made to reduce the power of instant attacks, but to correct the relative imbalance of weapon itemization. At a given level requirement, epic quality weapons should always be more powerful than superior quality weapons.
Please also note that all normal weapon swings will be completely unaffected by this change. The following abilities are affected by the design change: Sinister Strike, Ambush, Backstab, Whirlwind, Mortal Strike, and Overpower.
Below threshold. well... by El Road Diablo, Score 0.0
Yeah, this is a great weapon now that 1.8 changed the mechanics of fast and slow high dps weapons.
Selling a Brain Hacker on EU-Die Silberne Hand by Marus Die silberne Hand, Score 0
Hi guys, 60 pally here, im using the spear from AV, and i really like the stats which is giving.Today i saw a BH selling in my server for 200g bid and i was thinking to buy it..
Can some1 suggest me what to do and explain me whats the change in 1.8 for attack speed?
Thx :)
P.S. im retribution-protection pally using seal of commander all the time, which is better for this kind of play fast or slow speed? BH or barbute spear? :D
Is it worth 500g? by Cokemoko, Score 0 Brain Hacker!! by bocaloco, Score 0.0
you stupid fools , its true it males low dmg but look at the speed dumb , i dont think blizz made that wpn epic for no purpose , next time think b4 you act u dumb noob.
it isn't good by kylex3, Score 0.0
Well after about 10 straight buffings i wouldnt be suprised if you could run into BootyBay flagged and destroy everyone... comes with being the most easiest and most basic character in the game besides the pally.
great for fury wars by valentines, Score 0.0 weeeee by Kingmole, Score 0.0 heres a tip! by darkkris5, Score 0 Found in Zul'Gurub by Uirghal, Score 0.0 what enchant? by rogren, Score 0.0 enchants by valentines, Score 0.0 plz by Prophetian, Score 0.0 THis axe better pwn by cragzeek, Score 0.0 crap for arms warrior by renegadefunk, Score 0.0 XD by streetxx, Score 0.0
58 warrior got the axe with crusader rocks ass playing out rouges and stuff with it.... :)
This is absolute GARBAGE in PvP for a warrior. Any warrior. I got defeated by a 53 fury spec warr. The battle had nothing to do with lack of skill...Just that the weapon has such low damage, it competes with one handed weapons.
Even though I got first in warsong gulch the first time and third (top alliance), I have to say its bad in Pvp, for warriors at the least. Very bad.
PvE-wise, this is competent and an O.K weapon.
worth to buy? by steamegg, Score 0
this axe sux.. yeah.. its fast... that doesnt matter.. look the sorry dmg on the thing.... so many ppl just think all purples are worth 4305349058349g.... i say if anyone to use this axe.. maybe a hunter... if that... hunters need more stats than a proc... imo.. this axe sux period.. not worth buying at any means... maybe a shaman could.. but arc reaper is better... dont buy it
When you are a fury warrior with crit over 20%, this axe is one of the best out there since the 1.8 patch, period. It outperforms dualwielding by far, unless you are wielding 2 endgame epics.
Arms warriors must choose AR over this one.
I just looted this item in AV (frostfolf realm horde)! It was off a leet druid in the alliance base near the aid station! I consider myself pretty lucky cause i am a mage so its going in the market! BTW, in AV, the loot is FFA so i am reallly lucky! If you wanna buy, its around the 200g
First of all I'm just tryin to help u guys.
Please For Any warrior who is thinking about getting this Crappy weapon, Please do not get it, I wasted 200 golds on this piece of crap!!! it's just as good as the one i was using b4 (Lord Alexandar's Battle Axe), I promisse you I tested both of them on the same mob at Un'goro several times, and they kill the enemy at the same timing, n once ur done with the fight you have the same health as if u were using level 51 axe.
I guess all the stats from lord alexander helps a lot, +16 Strength,+17 Agility, +16 Stamina.
Trust me dont waste your money on Brain Hacker. I am really disappointed!!!
Well as someone said, it all comes down to how you play. This axe should suit my build pretty well. Anyone selling one on Hakkar for a nice-price let me know.
Guys i have bought Brain hakker on Sylvanas server for 160 g. In the same time I saw Desteny on AH for the same price... Do u think i was right?? Personaly i think brain gonna be reeealy better using crusarder enchant which im going to buy soon... So how do u think? Which wep is better? BTW I am fury warrior...;)
I thought the same thing as you all when i 1st used it, it hit for like 200, i was like wtf, then i started to realize that when i was killing things the same lvl as me i whopped ass. The thing is so freakin fast, which i hought sucked until my rage was constantly through the roof and i killed things in a snap. Not too good pvp though, unless it procs on a caster :O
YOur an nub,this wep rules for fury spec....#1 its fast,#2 Its got nice dps...#3 with our build in fury will allow us to get up to 20% chance to crit......Any ways Go back to judging other epics ass
this flat out sux.. i would rather use a kang the decpitator than this!
got it yesterday in strat started using it respeced kicked ass!!!!!
im a warior by the way
warrior on new antheron realm.. only level 50 but i own this.. bought for 175 gold.. noobs are telling me it sucks cuz it doesnt have high max damage (which i could cae less about) and cuz its fast (but since 1.8 all my instant attacks are based on 3.3 speed anyway).. not sure about the proc yet as i havent used it but dont be a noob as say this sucks.. until i get in a guild which runs zg often its the best weapon out there.
- idiot by kjqwhbfkZGNOT40, Score 0
I'm a lvl 55 holy pally considering saving for this axe, i really like the dps and the high weapon-speed, and i was wondering if it would be a good choice, currently using Doombringer and Twig of the World Tree. Probably go for about 200-300 on my damn overpriced server (US, Dethecus) what do yall think?