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The Pantheon
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The Romans were masters at engineering and architecture. Their achievements with engineering went unsurpassed until recent modern times. Some of their mose outstanding engineering and architectural achievements included the aqueducts, roads, and the famous Pantheon of Rome.


The aqueducts were a true marvel of Roman engineering might. These long structures were used to carry fresh mountain spring water into the city, giving the citizens a running supply of clean water for drinking primarily, and in public baths secondarily, while extra water or slightly dirtied water was used for cleaning purposes in the city. It gave the Romans pure running water, from faucets to toilets, a luxury that would somehow become lost in the Middle Ages and not seen again for almost 2000 years.


RoadsAn Old Roman Road in Britain

Romans were also master road builders. They used innovative techniques to construct roads on all kinds of terrain, from desert sands to sawmpy marshes. The success of their road system was due in part to the material that they used to build them. The Romans were the first to use concrete as a major building material, and it proved very useful for use in road systems. The roads the Romans built connected every corner of the empire by 100 A.D.


The PantheonThe Pantheon

The Pantheon was built as a shrine to the major Roman gods. It was a massive project, started by the emporer Hadrian and finished by Trajan. It was an architectural marvel due to its extremely risky yet innovative design, the dome structure. The structure was so well built that the Pantheon still stands today, perhaps the oldest building in the world to be in such good condition.