Office 1 Class Notes

Office 1 provides you with the proper knowledge, skills and procedures to create documents, workbooks, and presentations using Office (Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft PowerPoint).


Book Files

Access Microsoft 365 (login-

Your work will be saved in the Z drive until a Canvas class is built.

You are responsible for looking at these notes for any corrections or additions to each chapter.

Notes for class


For each chapter complete the module project, Apply Your Knowledge, and Lab 1. Any Lab 2 or Lab 3 lessons that you do will be extra credit. DO NOT PRINT. Be sure to save everything that you do into the correct folder with the correct file name.


You are required to check here for notes on problems, corrections, errors for chapters. These books are new to us Fall 2022.

bullet When the book tells you to change the document properties, enter your name under name and Office 1 under subject. The other fields should match anything the book gives you. If the book does not give other fields, they can be left blank.
bullet Work you need to do
bullet Do these chapters: Word 1-3, Excel 1-3, Powerpoint 1-3
bullet For each chapter: Module Project, Apply Your Knowledge, Lab 1 (I expect you to look back in the chapter, index, table of contents or help if you can't remember what you did in the project).
bullet Personal Assignment or Assignments
bullet For Excel Chapter 3 Apply Parts 1 and 2 should be answered in a Word doc that is saved in your Excel folder and titled Apply 3-1.docx. For Excel Lab3-1 Do Part 2 but not Part 3.

Progress Grades

bullet Deadline 1 (Word 1-3 chapters, Word Personal Assignment for each chapter due)
bullet Deadline 2 (Excel 1-3 chapters, Excel Personal Assignments due)
bullet Deadline 3 (PowerPoint chapters 1-3, PowerPoint Personal Assignments due)