Office 2 Class Notes

Office 2 offers a deeper study of the Microsoft Office suite including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. The knowledge gained from Office 1 will be expanded as you learn more functions available in each application.


Book Files

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You are responsible for looking at these notes for any corrections or additions to each chapter.

Notes for Class

bulletYou are required to check here for notes on problems, corrections, errors for chapters
bullet See Below
bulletWork you need to do
bullet Word 4, 6 and 7, Excel 4-6, PowerPoint 4-6
bullet For each chapter: Module Project, Apply Your Knowledge, Lab 1 (I expect you to look back in the chapter, index, table of contents or help if you can't remember what you did in the project).
bulletPersonal Assignment after each application

Progress Grades

bullet Deadline 1 (Word Chapters 4,6,7 due)
bullet Deadline 2 (Excel 4-6 Chapters due)
bullet Deadline 3 (PowerPoint 4-6 Chapters due)