The Geth

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The Geth are a sentient race of machines developed by the Quarians for labor. The Quarians did not intend them to be a fully aware AI, but in time they discovered that the Geth were learning and becoming away due to the complexity of their neural network. Their brains are linked together creating combined conciousness, and as more and more Geth were created their consciousness became more intelligant. In other words, the Geth "get smarter" as there are more of them around. Eventually enough were built so they became self aware. The Quarians became frightened with this had happened as they surmised that the Geth would rebel against them. The Quarians attacked the Geth wanting to try and wipe them out, but it was unsuccessful and the Quarians were driven from their homeworld in the following struggle.

After the war with the Quarians the Geth Isolated themselves in the Veil. They shot down any who they came into contact with, until they finally heard of the Reapers. They venerated the Reapers as their older brothers more or less. A more advanced version of themselves. When Saren came and offered to help them bring the Reapers back the Geth accepted and for the first time in 300 years the Geth left the Veil and started working to bring about the return of the Reapers. After Saren's death and the defeat in the Citadel, the Geth backed away, lacking the leadership of both Saren and Sovereign. However, they still have a massive army, and are a threat to the galaxy.

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