Nihlus Kryik

Nihlus Kryik

Saren - Geth - Garrus - Nihlus - Wrex - Home

A decorated turian Spectre agent, Nihlus is first encountered aboard the Normandy at the beginning of the game. Nihlus chooses to not accompany Shepard's group, who scouts ahead alone instead, and eventually is killed by Saren during the first mission.

He was born in a small colony outside of Hierarchy space. After the death of his father, his mother forced him to join the turian military. Despite his exceptional marks in class, he was never truly accepted by his peers due to his outsider status. While Nihlus was undeniably an excellent soldier, his reckless behavior in battle earned him nothing but criticism from his superiors.

It was during his third reassignment that he met, a fellow turian and renowned Spectre. Impressed with the young soldier's abilities, Saren befriended Nihlus, and offered to mentor him. Within a year of meeting Saren, Nihlus was asked to join the Spectres.

Nihlus soon stepped out of Saren's shadow and quickly established himself as one of the Council's most able bodied agents. He maintains a cool composure when under dire circumstances and has an uncanny ability to root out an enemy's weaknesses and exploit them. While his methods are not as brutal as Saren's, he will take any steps necessary to get the job done--and eradicate anyone or anything that stands in his way. He is betrayed and killed by Saren on Eden Prime by getting shot in the back with a pistol during a conversation.